Lord of Dankness My Old Friend Normies Opressing Us Again

Prayers Against Stubborn Bug And Attacks

BIBLE VERSES: Isaiah 41:11-12,"Behold, all they that were incensed against me shall exist ashamed and confounded: they shall exist as nothing; and they that strive with me shall perish. I will seek them, and I volition not find them, even them that contend with me; they that state of war with me shall be as nothing and as a thing of nought."

Mark 11:23, "For verily I say unto y'all, That whosoever shall say unto this mount, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the ocean; and shall not dubiousness in his eye, just shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to laissez passer; he shall take whatsoever he saith."

Jeremiah 17:18, "Allow them be confounded that persecute me, merely allow not me be confounded: permit them be dismayed, but permit non me be dismayed: bring upon them the 24-hour interval of evil, and destroy them with double destruction."

God has the power to keep you away from all stubborn issues. Satanic attacks are weapons from the kingdom of darkness. These wicked arrows manifest equally long term issues in the life of people. They are sent to kill or make people see a difficult state of affairs.  When problems come from man or devil for example, information technology is to steal, kill and destroy.

Most people have been fed up with their bug because there is no respond to their prayers. They move from places to places in search of miracles. When a trouble become so stubborn, it would exist hard for a person to receive major quantum.

All these are not God's agenda for united states merely to requite us a good life.  A person tin can be under satanic attacks without know the source. A problem can exist a approval in disguise if it prevents yous from being harmed by something more serious.

Many people are fighting the battles they practise not sympathize. They just notice out that all efforts to move frontward evidence abortive. It is like the Amorites of whom it is written in Genesis fifteen:sixteen, "But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is non notwithstanding full." A curse had tied them downwardly in one spot. Whenever they went, they would come back to their starting point.

When God is fighting for you, it may appear equally if you will lose at the offset of that fight. The children of Isrealites thought they were going to lose the battles by the time they got to the Cherry Sea. They entered into the Reddish Sea and the Egyptians followed and the water arrested them.

David's boxing with Goliath was a tearing one. Information technology was God Himself that fought with Goliath by making use of David as His boxing axe. The Lord wants to destroy many stubborn Pharaohs today, and He looks for the Moses that volition serve as His instrument of battle, may He found you as ane in Jesus proper name.

Many Christians have died untimely due to attacks from the powers of darkness and some are in hell because they refused to deal with the enemies on time. I pray that every agree of Satan and his kingdom over your life shall be cleaved in Jesus name.

God expects every Christian to overcome every trouble and satanic attacks. He has given us ability to cast out demons of affliction challenging our lives. Marker 16:17. Some life challenges accept destroyed many, tand ake away people from their place of blessings.


  1. Unfinished battles
  2. The more prayers the more the attacks
  3. Life go struggle without no help
  4. Profitless hard-work that makes you piece of work like an elephant and eat like an emmet.
  5. . Your problems remain in place fifty-fifty after deliverance.
  6. Glory turns to shame and reproach.
  7. Nothing going well for you.
  8. Disability to experience peace and love in marriage
  9. Constant poverty, lack and begging
  10. Prolonged chore search
  11. Praying over a thing for a long time without no sign of answered prayers
  12. Wearing a rag (indecent dressing) and garment with many holes in it


  1.  Repent from all know sin and flee rebellion.
  2. Give up your life to Jesus, "The Stronger One". The strongman is strong but Jesus is stronger and he came to destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8.
  3. Ensure your complete armor is on fully. This includes conservancy, righteousness, the give-and-take of God, truth, faith, and the gospel of peace. Ephesians half-dozen:thirteen-eighteen.
  4. Bank check your life and run across how and when y'all opened the door for the enemy to come in to steal precious things from you. This could be bitterness, unforgiveness, or talkativeness.
  5. Know your weapons and use them correctly. They include the claret of Jesus; fire of God, Name of Jesus, Prayers, and fasting. Pray targeted bombarding prayers.
  6. Exercise your authority as a believer and launch an attack against stubborn problemsand satanic attacks. Luke ten:19; Genesis ane:26; one John 4:4, 17. Beginning you have to bind the strongman. Matthew xviii:xviii. And so you have to spoil his goods, and release your possessions from his warehouse. Mark iii:27. Y'all tin decree things. Job 22:28. You tin issue judgments on Him. Y'all can overcome him with the blood of Jesus. Revelation 12:eleven.
  7. Scout your dreams. Your dreams will bespeak if the strongman is on the cruise.
  8. Pray barricading prayers and then that evil powers will non reinforce confronting yous.

Educational activity: Commence on 7 days fasting and prayers from 6am to 6pm.


Bible Reading: Isaiah 54:15, 59:19b, Psalm ii:1-8, Isaiah 28:14-18, Amos three:3.

  1. Aboriginal of Days fight for me and give me total victory in the name of Jesus.
  2. O Lord, every incantation and evil prophecies working against me dorsum to your sender, in Jesus name.
  3. O Lord, every incantation and evil prophecies working confronting me dorsum to your sender, in Jesus name.
  4. Any power that is using my late male parent/mother to punish me, expire by fire, in Jesus name.
  5. Blood of Jesus work for me and deliver me from stubborn attack, in the name of Jesus.
  6. Any blood relation that is using my movie to fight and set on me, I raise the claret of Jesus against you, in Jesus name.
  7. Every stubborn problem of no solution, assigned to brand things hard for me, be purged out of my life, by the blood of Jesus.
  8. Every generational chains causing limitations in my life interruption in Jesus proper noun.
  9. I shall not piece of work for others to bask, I shall not plant for others to reap, Isaiah 65:22-23.
  10. Every stubborn giant parading freely in the garden of my life be paralyzed, in Jesus name.
  11. Lord Jesus disgrace the root of all inherited stubborn problems, in Jesus proper noun.
  12. Any power that has entered into blood covenant in guild to destroy my life, be destroyed in Jesus name
  13. O you old witch and wizard in my male parent'southward firm fueling the source of my problem why are you lot still live die in the name of Jesus.
  14. I receive Divine Power and dominion over every stubborn state of affairs in my life, in Jesus name.
  15. Every foundational stubborn problem tormenting my life scatter by fire, in Jesus name.
  16. Every stubborn pursuer pursuing my destiny die in Jesus proper name.
  17. I refuse to negotiate with the enemies of my destiny, therefore dice, in the name of Jesus.
  18. Stubborn assault from my begetter"s house, jump out of my life, in the name of Jesus.
  19. Every adept thing that the evil bird has wiped away from my destiny, render it back past fire, in Jesus proper name.
  20. Every power saying my prayers would always exist in vain, you are a liar, receive the thunder of God and dice, in Jesus name
  21. Problems assigned to destroy me, go back to sender, in Jesus name.
  22. Family unit battles, assigned to finish my life, be destroyed, in Jesus name.
  23. I release my destiny from the hands of the stubborn pursuers, in Jesus proper noun.
  24. I shall non be a slave for my enemies, in Jesus proper noun
  25. Holy Spirit teach me how to deal with these powers in your discussion, in Jesus proper name
  26. O God arise and destroy any power continuing at the gate of my destiny, in Jesus name.
  27. I remember my blessings from every evil attack in Jesus proper name.
  28. My Father, let every evil arrow fired against me from the wicked elders to Backfire 21 times! O Lord, turn every evil arrow to torment the sender, in Jesus name. Pray it well.
  29. Whatsoever long term arrows in my life, you are not my Maker, so therefore I claiming you now in the name of Jesus, pack your loads and go out of my life! Pray information technology 21 times.
  30. Every evil deposit, evil load hindering my life____(mention information technology), dry upwards by burn down, in the name of Jesus
  31. My enemies, hear the word of the Lord, my issues are over, it is now your plow, therefore comport your load, in Jesus name.
  32. Every pointer of sleeplessness during spiritual warfare, get back to sender, in Jesus name.
  33. I command the root of any issues in my life to dry out to the roots, in Jesus proper noun.
  34. All the good things of my life that are locked upward in satanic cauldron, be released by burn, in Jesus name.
  35. Whatever stubborn power behind my present predicaments and attacks, loose your hold; I BURY You Live in the name of Jesus. Pray in the spirit.
  36. Affections of my destiny, become and activate my helpers, in Jesus proper noun.
  37. Whatsoever idol in my father'south firm that is responsible for stagnation in my life, angel of the Lord, go and destroy it, in Jesus name
  38. I rebuke every tempest assigned to take abroad God's glory in my life in Jesus name.
  39. Holy Spirit appear in the midst of whatsoever attacks in my life and take absolute control of it in Jesus name.
  40. Household powers oppressing my life , enough is enough die in Jesus name
  41. Witchcraft shadows following me virtually, scatter now in Jesus proper noun.
  42. I deliver from negative things happening to me by the mercies of God, in Jesus name.
  43. Every image of satan in my dream, I curse you to wither now, in the name of Jesus.
  44. Every arrow fired to weaken my life, I fire you dorsum, in Jesus name.
  45. O God arise and trouble the troubler of my Israel, in Jesus name.
  46. Y'all stubborn man that has made yourself a king over my family, I am non your casualty, receive the sword of God and die in Jesus proper noun,
  47. Any evil garment of shame over my joy, take hold of fire in Jesus name.
  48. I turn down to be my own enemy in Jesus name.
  49. Every stubborn power making it difficult for me to obtain favor, vanish, in the name of Jesus.
  50. Let my life be released from every padlock, in the proper noun of Jesus.
  51. Evil powers of my father's business firm in charge of my instance scatter now past fire by strength, in Jesus name.
  52. Congregation of darkness that says my testimonies shall not manifest, scatter and die, in the proper noun of Jesus.
  53. Oh God arise and settle me permanently, in the name of Jesus.
  54. Whatsoever evil going on in my life, expire at present past burn, in the name of Jesus.
  55. Whatsoever the evil power of my begetter's house has done to my life, be reversed in Jesus name.
  56. I command the cyclone of the Lord to visit my stubborn pursuers, in Jesus' name.
  57. Whatever of my goods that have been hijacked by wicked enemies, return it, confess, run mad and die, in Jesus name.
  58. My household enemies, receive, loftier-claret pressure, in Jesus name.
  59. Satanic time bomb waiting to explode in my life, I reverse you now, in Jesus proper noun.
  60. You that affections that killed the first born of the Egyptians get and kill the first born of my enemies, in Jesus name.
  61. Y'all my life, hear the discussion of the Lord, you shall not be cut brusk, in Jesus name.
  62. Any satanic herbalist preparing charms for my enemies die at present, in Jesus proper name.
  63. I command my household enemies to begin to fight themselves until they destroy themselves, in Jesus name.
  64. I come against anything that wants to make me poor in spirit, soul and trunk, in Jesus name.
  65. By fire by strength I withdraw those things giving my enemies joy, in Jesus proper name.
  66. I command the laughter and happiness of my enemies to cease, in Jesus name.
  67. Let darkness cover my enemies, in Jesus name.
  68. Ancestral evil bird become deaf and dumb forever concerning my destiny.
  69. Ancestral evil covenant, release me now and permit me get, in Jesus' name.
  70. Generational evil covenant affecting my joy, pause by the blood of Jesus.
  71. Any agreement between my parents and evil personalities that is now affecting my life, break past the blood of Jesus.
  72. Any trouble in my life that has been sealed past my enemies, be unsealed now past the ability in the blood of Jesus, in Jesus' proper name.
  73. Spirit from the dead seeking vengeance upon my life, blood of Jesus destroyed them now, in Jesus proper name.
  74. My name, bring fear upon my enemies, in Jesus proper noun.

If you have whatsoever dreams, please don't hesitate to share information technology with me on my Youtube. I will exist happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.

Evangelist Joshua Tv

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Source: https://evangelistjoshua.com/prayers-stubborn-problems-attacks/

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